
To enquire about booking the village hall, please use the contact form. Please provide details of the type of event you wish to hold, date(s) required, number of guests/participants and your own details.

The hall IS suitable for community events, exercise classes, parties for small children, etc.

The hall can be booked from 9am in the morning.

The hall is NOT suitable for teenage parties or late night events (curfew of 9.30pm, clear out by 10pm).

Please read the Terms of Hire before booking the hall.

Please check the calendar to ensure the hall is available on the date you require

Please see the facilities page, to ensure that the hall is suitable for your event.

When we have agreed that the hall is available for the date of your event, please fill in the Hire Agreement form, and make payment in advance as agreed. You can download the Hire agreement form as PDF or MS-Word format.